community firings
Monocacy River Pottery is located just outside Thurmont, MD on the beautiful Monocacy River. Its doors are open to artists and art lovers of beautiful wood fired pottery.
Jim and Shannon Dugan have joined with owner Marsha Mason to ignite the flames of the 3 chambered noborigama and manabigama wood kilns at Monocacy River Pottery. Jim and Shannon have a combined 40+ years of experience with firing, building and repairing wood kilns, soda kilns and gas kilns.
The pottery is home to 3 wood kilns: one 3 chamber noborigama and 2 manabigamas. The 3 chamber noborigama is available to rent for a group of potters or as individual shares in what we call a "Community Firing". Firings for the noborigama require a 3 weekend commitment (3 Saturdays in a row) and occur around 8 times a year. In addition, the pottery rents the manabigama kilns to smaller groups of potters or individuals. These kiln can be rented out more frequently as their size requires only 2 consecutive weekends.
To participate in a firing, an individual may purchase a "share" of space in the kiln. A share in the wood kiln includes 5 cubic feet of space for one individual's work. A share includes access to the studio glazes and slips, wadding and instruction as needed. The cost of one share is $175.
Our firing cycles requires participation in 3 consecutive weekends for loading, firing and unloading. We ask that participants are as available as possible during the loading and unloading. Each participant is asked to sign up for 2, 3-hour shifts during the firing.
Please see the Community Firing schedule on the home page for dates.
See you around the fire box!